Comment une compagnie d'assurance internationale fidélise ses clients au niveau local

Dépenses supplémentaires des promoteurs


Diminution de la probabilité de désabonnement


Augmentation des NPS

20 points

“Medallia is built from the user’s point-of-view.”

- Gabor Dani

Customer Centricity Leader Zurich Insurance

The Challenge
Loyalty and retention are key priorities for insurance companies—and especially in the competitive general insurance market, in which customers can easily switch providers. Competing in traditionally high-churn markets, Zurich Insurance decided to invest in improving customer experiences to build retention and loyalty. To focus on retention, the company needed a customer experience management (CEM) system in place to measure, understand, and take action to improve customer experiences.

The Solution
In the words of Gabor Dani, Customer Centricity Leader at Zurich Insurance, Medallia has brought the following to the customer experience table for Zurich:

  • Un programme mondial unifié : "En unifiant tous les programmes au sein d'une plateforme unique, nous avons une approche cohérente, nous parlons le même langage et utilisons les mêmes indicateurs, la même méthodologie et nous apprenons les uns des autres grâce à l'analyse comparative et au partage des meilleures pratiques."
  • Robust technology: “The technology is truly state of the art. Medallia was the only one that could easily meet the specific compliance needs of each different country—critical for a global company, and especially for insurance. They are also able to collect multi-channel feedback, such as mobile, SMS, email, contact center, and more.”
  • La responsabilisation des employés : "Les données, les actions et l'expérience des clients sont beaucoup plus entre nos mains et sous notre contrôle. Nous pouvons désormais découper les données de manière continue - nous n'avons pas besoin d'attendre les rapports périodiques publiés par la recherche."
  • Tailored insights for everyone, every-where: “Medallia is built from the user’s point-of-view.” Through role-based reporting, Medallia routes the right information in real-time to the right person in the organization, so that every employee knows exactly what to do to improve experiences. These tailored insights make the system relevant and engaging for users—from the C-Level to the frontline.
  • Real-time prioritized actions: “Medallia gives us the flexibility to adapt our program as needed. If we see a certain touch-point that needs improvement, we can take action to improve it quickly. And if another touchpoint is performing well, we can share best practices widely.”
  • Analyse de texte native : "L'analyse verbale est essentielle. Grâce à l'analyse en temps réel des facteurs clés, l'analyse de texte permet aux utilisateurs d'agir en priorité sur les questions qui requièrent le plus d'attention.

The Results
Zurich is already showing the financial impacts of improved experiences. When compared to detractors:

  • Les promoteurs paient une prime mensuelle supérieure de 27 %.
  • Promoters are 5x less likely to leave Zurich within 12 months
  • Les promoteurs recommandent activement de nouvelles affaires

Through Medallia’s alerting system, Zurich closes the loop with every customer that reported a negative experience. For example, within its American B2B market, even the CEO and executive team personally call back customers to repair and build relationships.

At the operational level, Zurich uses this feedback loop to identify problem areas and take action to make improvements. In Turkey, for example, the customer experience team found that customers complained about the automatic renewal process, which was administered by local banks and not by Zurich itself. The team worked with each of those banks to better alert customers about upcoming renewals. As a result, NPS shot up 20 points within a few months of making the change.

Source : Etude de cas, Global Meets Local : How a Global Insurance Company Build Loyalty at Local Level : Étude de cas, Global Meets Local : How a Global Insurance Company Builds Loyalty at the Local Level (Le monde à la rencontre du local : comment une compagnie d'assurance mondiale fidélise ses clients au niveau local)

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