Webinar Recording

3 Strategies for Empowering Digital Self-Service & Minimizing Call Volume

The digital channel is a central touchpoint in the customer journey, whether visitors come to purchase an item, apply for a mortgage, or update a subscription. Empowering these customers to complete their tasks is a pivotal part of any operational strategy. Otherwise, customers will seek help through less efficient (and more costly) channels – like your contact center.

Watch Medallia experts Brett Bradley and Sheila Ornelas to learn how you can take a data-driven approach to digital self-service and minimize call volume. This webinar covers 3 actionable strategies, helping digital teams understand:

  • Why customers are abandoning the digital channel for contact centers
  • What opportunities for self-service exist that can help increase in-channel task completion
  • How satisfied customers are with existing self-service channels, and how the brand can improve

This 25-minute session includes a product demo and case study examples.