Webinar Recording

Insights on Mobile Apps: Research on Digital Experiences and Customer Preferences

Why do customers choose mobile apps over other channels? How do they rate their experience on mobile apps, and what can brands do to improve the omnichannel customer journey?

In this webinar, Andrew Custage and Michael Mallett share Medallia's latest market research on mobile app digital experiences. You will learn:

  • How customers rate the digital experience of mobile apps vs. other channels
  • Where mobile apps factor into the omnichannel customer journey
  • Which tasks prompt customers to use the app over other channels
  • Why customers love, loathe, or delete certain apps
  • Generational differences in app usage between Gen Z, Millenials, and others

This session is packed with insights and you'll walk away with the complete results of our research study, plus expert tips on how CX teams can structure their programs to leverage this important component to omnichannel customer journeys.