Putting the customer at the center of ecommerce experiences at Walmart Mexico

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Medallia Experience Cloud permite a los minoristas comprender el "por qué" de las puntuaciones de los comentarios de los clientes. MedalliaLa solución de análisis de texto de la empresa ofrece una visión agregada de los comentarios escritos que permite a las organizaciones comprender mejor las razones que subyacen a las puntuaciones y qué hacer al respecto.

It was Medallia’s Text Analytics capabilities that were the game-changer for Walmart Mexico. The e-commerce team was finally able to identify topics and sentiment in native Spanish, rather than other solutions they tested in the past that rely on imperfect translation engines.

Josue Berlanga, Director of Customer Care & Customer Experience at Walmart Mexico says, “Once we began hearing what our customers were saying in their own words, and taking action at both the store and corporate level, the journey really began.”

Berlanga noted that Walmart Mexico’s customer experience program has expanded to cover each step in the customer journey. At each step, the investment has proven positive ROI and increased NPS. He went on to share that, “Now we have text analytics and alerts in real-time. In just a couple years we did a quantum leap. For me it was an honor to be involved in implementing Medallia and putting the customer at the center of every decision.”

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