Medallia Xchange

Root Cause Analysis by GemSeek

Identify the most important experience and operational drivers of satisfaction and where to best position efforts

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Root Cause Analysis studies the cause-and-effect relationships between key drivers and customer experience and demonstrates how drivers influence each other. It is a powerful prioritization tool when it’s complicated to decide where to focus improvement efforts. 

RCA goes one step further than a traditional driver analysis by adding operational data on top of survey data, allowing to go deep in understanding the underlying reasons behind satisfaction and dissatisfaction. It then explores the relationships between drivers, how they impact each other, which gives you the tools to boost impactful drivers through improvements in other drivers. Finally, it explores what are the saturation points for every driver, meaning that you know how much to invest in improvement initiatives and when to stop.

What’s Included:

  • Key driver analysis provides insights into what drives experience metrics and by how much​. Rigorous data modelling and extra operational variables means it builds on top of traditional driver analyses for maximum impact.
  • Drivers of drivers is a representation of how drivers interact​ with each other. Detailed exploration of these relationships equips you with a better understanding of each driver’s standing in your business context.
  • KANO analysis explores saturation points for your drivers. Each driver’s performance and NPS (or other experience metric) relationship may be linear or non-linear. By identifying that you know not only on which drivers to focus your improvement initiatives but also when to stop for best results.

    For all three components of RCA you get:
  • Dedicated data team
  • In-platform results
  • Detailed output reports
  • Expert workshops

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