Le migliori piattaforme per l'esperienza dei dipendenti

Le migliori piattaforme per l'esperienza dei dipendenti

Discover the five best employee experience platforms and technologies for improving employee engagement, loyalty, and retention 

Researchers have found that companies that outperform the competition when it comes to employee experience (EX) are nearly 2X more likely to have high levels of customer satisfaction and retention, compared to underperforming companies — and not only that, they’re also more likely to report +20% year-over-year revenue growth compared to underperforming organizations. It pays to have the best employee experience, and it can pay to invest in the best employee experience platforms too.

Continuate a leggere per scoprire cosa può fare il giusto software EX per la vostra azienda e quali tipi di soluzioni aggiungere al vostro stack tecnologico. 

What Is an Employee Experience Platform?

Employee experience software solutions are digital tools that are designed to help employee experience teams, senior leadership, and managers understand — and optimize — the employee experience and business outcomes. 

The best employee experience platforms enable employers to measure how workers feel at any given moment in time across the entire employee journey, from when a potential hire first applies for a position, until their last day on the job. 

Getting a 360-degree view of the employee experience is crucial to understanding drivers of employee engagement and turnover, the relationship between employee experience and the customer experience (CX), and being able to advance employee retention, customer satisfaction, revenue, and other important business outcomes. 

5 Employee Experience Technologies to Add to Your EX Tech Stack

These are the best employee experience platforms for gathering timely employee feedback, measuring employee sentiment and engagement, identifying and intervening at the earliest signs of employee turnover, and unlocking insights to uplevel the employee experience and customer experience. 

#1: Real-time employee experience survey tools and employee feedback software

Raccogliete i feedback dei membri del vostro team ovunque, in qualsiasi momento e su tutti i canali e dispositivi - via e-mail, SMS, intranet o app aziendale o tramite un codice QR posizionato di persona, ad esempio dove i lavoratori timbrano il cartellino - sfruttando la potenza dei sondaggi in qualsiasi momento. Verificate come si comportano i dipendenti in momenti chiave del loro ciclo di vita, come al momento dell'assunzione, dopo l'inserimento, in occasione di anniversari di lavoro, in seguito a cambi di manager e altro ancora, per capire cosa pensano i singoli delle esperienze di reclutamento, inserimento e sviluppo dei talenti dell'azienda. 

Progettati per stimolare la partecipazione con questionari brevi e semplici che possono essere lanciati e a cui si può rispondere in qualsiasi momento, i sondaggi in tempo reale sui dipendenti generano un feedback immediato su cui i leader e i manager possono agire il prima possibile, ad esempio dopo il lancio di iniziative pilota o di fronte a una nuova crisi o sfida. Con un polso tempestivo sulla voce dei dipendenti, le aziende non solo hanno visibilità sull'impatto di ogni cambiamento, ma possono anche apportare rapidamente modifiche, misurarne gli effetti e ottenere risultati in continua evoluzione. 

#2: Employee experience software

Employee experience management software helps brands assess and track changes in the employee experience and employee engagement metrics over time, including measures such as belonging, happiness, recognition, leadership, enablement, alignment, development, sentiment, loyalty, and satisfaction. 

Employee experience management platforms are able to evaluate employee engagement and other KPIs by leveraging insights from employee feedback surveys as well as other employee experience data from across sources — helpdesk and HR interactions, performance reviews, PTO and meetings attendance data, training and development platform data, customer interactions, and phone and messaging transcripts. 

By combining internal data from across sources along with external data from social media and review platforms, brands are able to achieve a clear picture of the candidate experience, new hire experience, and overall employee experience as well as uncover steps that can be implemented to upgrade experiences based on employee feedback and insights across touchpoints and the entire employee lifecycle. 

Plus, employee experience management software solutions include role-specific dashboards, views, and alerts so the right team members can be looped in about specific employee feedback and measures and take action right away. These tools can also be used to track progress against goal metrics and optimize for the greatest impact on business growth. 

#3: analisi predittiva del testo e del parlato alimentata dall'AI

Bringing together employee experience data from across channels and sources is an undertaking, and so is analyzing all of these inputs — in real time, on an ongoing basis. That’s why companies with leading EX programs tap the power of AI-backed text analytics and speech analytics to do the job. These tools are capable of drawing meaning from expansive structured and unstructured data sets — such as open-ended employee feedback included in survey responses, online reviews, social media comments, and data from benefits and performance management systems — at scale. Offering real-time and continuous analysis, these tools can quickly identify emerging issues and trends that need to be fixed and addressed, allowing teams to spend their valuable time getting to the root cause, instead of sifting through mounds of data to find information.

#4: Video feedback

Countless studies show an increasing preference among consumers and employees for video communications, but yet many businesses still rely on text-based surveys to gather employee feedback. However, advanced employee experience platforms offer the option for companies to collect video responses from the workforce from their computers or handheld devices as they’re on the go, making it easier for busy and deskless workers to provide their experiences in seconds.

#5: una piattaforma di crowdsourcing per i dipendenti

No matter how streamlined an organization’s operations are or how satisfied their customers appear to be, no business is without its fair share of challenges — whether big or small — points of friction that stand in the way of driving longer employee tenure and deeper customer loyalty. 

The good news is: Employees have ideas about how to address these underlying problems and enhance the employee and customer experience. The problem is, these suggestions often get lost amidst employee survey responses, 1:1 meetings, and all-hands meetings. Savvy companies harness the wisdom of their workforce using employee crowdsourcing platforms. 

Progettate per raccogliere i suggerimenti dei lavoratori, queste piattaforme possono essere sfruttate per coinvolgere i dipendenti nel processo di creazione e implementazione di soluzioni praticabili che abbiano un impatto duraturo. Includere i dipendenti fin dall'inizio non solo alimenterà l'innovazione, ma contribuirà anche ad aumentare il morale, dando ai lavoratori una piattaforma per esprimere le proprie idee e sentirsi ascoltati. 

The Top Benefits of Employee Experience Platforms

The costs associated with poor employee engagement and high employee churn can add up. Gallup estimates that when motivation and morale are low, companies lose out on the equivalent of 18% of every disengaged employee’s salary. A separate Gallup study finds that U.S. businesses lose out on $1 trillion each year as a result of employee turnover, due to the added expenses of having to find and train replacements. Given these sums, it’s clear that it’s well worth investing in the employee experience in general and in employee experience platforms that can help employers turn things around, refine experiences, and drive retention.

In effetti, questi sono i principali vantaggi delle soluzioni software EX, che rafforzano i risultati di dipendenti, clienti e azienda. 

#1: Measuring the employee experience

Employee experience platforms help organizations track employee experience metrics, like employee sentiment, employee loyalty, employee engagement, and employee retention.

#2: Unlocking insights into employee experience best practices

I marchi orientati ai dati utilizzano gli strumenti EX per individuare le aree di intervento ad alta priorità che hanno il potenziale per avere il massimo impatto sui risultati dei dipendenti. 

#3: Elevating the employee experience

EX platforms shed light on how company policies, processes, and systems are affecting the team and what steps can be taken to boost employee well-being and sentiment, which can in turn enhance the customer experience. 

#4: Guidare il coinvolgimento e la fedeltà dei dipendenti

Mentre i leader e i manager implementano le modifiche per migliorare l'EX, possono monitorare l'impatto sui KPI dei dipendenti per vedere cosa funziona e cosa no e iterare per continuare a ottimizzare le esperienze.

#5: Ridurre il turnover dei dipendenti e il costo della rotazione

Employee experience platforms can be leveraged to detect early signs of disengagement, when there’s still time to intervene, thereby lowering churn and the associated costs of recruiting, onboarding, and training new hires. 

#6: Aumentare la soddisfazione e la fidelizzazione dei clienti 

Well-designed EX platforms enable teams to identify the links between EX and the customer experience and pinpoint changes that can be made to improve both EX and CX. 

Volete migliorare il vostro Azienda's employee experience per guidare il coinvolgimento, la fidelizzazione e altri risultati aziendali? Incontrate un esperto di Medallia per creare un employee experience mondo di classe.


Erica Desai

Erica Desai è Senior Product Marketing Manager presso Medallia, con particolare attenzione a employee experience. È appassionata nel portare sul mercato soluzioni innovative che migliorino notevolmente employee experience.